The Parable of the lost hearing aid! 

HEARING AIDS pixabay10th June 2023
Colin King
Elder, Green Pastures Christian Fellowship

 Read the parable of lost coin Luke 15:8-10. Although l called this a parable, in truth it is not; a parable is an earthly story with heavenly meaning, this is truth experiences of mine, therefore not strictly a parable
To be able to hear clearly is a wonderful gift, I have NHS hearing aids, which are good, but to hear people in a conversation with other people having noise all around is very difficult, it becomes a blur and difficult to hear what is being said
To try and resolve this, I went to Boots optician after a vigorous examination I realised that to have any improvement in my hearing, I need the most expensive aids that had. A whopping £3,500.  As they say!
Went to have them fitted on Thursday 11th May. I was quite pleased with result: not perfect, only the real thing, (good natural hearing is that). I was wearing them on the Saturday doing gardening, and when I came into the house I realised that I had lost my right hand hearing aid. I was quite upset and angry with myself.  I prayed asking God to help me find it. I did not receive any revelation or directions from God. You see “ faith come’s by hearing , and hearing Gods word. Romans 10:17 this is a living (Rhema) word which I did not receive. Therefore I could not stand in faith
I went over all the ground area where I thought I had been, I looked and looked but nothing, it was a nearly impossible task, the aid is small and dark in colour. Thinking about it , it is like looking for “a needle in a haystack”. But then the scriptures instructs me to do all,” having done all stand”. Ephesians 6:13/14. I had prayed, and searched but nothing, it seemed an impossible task. So what do I do  without any leading from God
Monday morning I rang Graham Gislam to metal detect on my land; I asked him if he could bring his metal detector and go over the area that I thought it could be. He came in the afternoon, we went over the area, I did not realise the problem, the fact is the detector was picking up in sound every little peace of metal that was in the ground, so again it was an impossible task. Still praying, asking for directions from God, hoping that He perhaps would give a vision of where the hearing aid is but no nothing
So what do I do?
At least speak to my insurance company,NFU, and see what they could do, if anything? You see an item like an expensive hearing aid needed to be insured as a separate item, but I did not do this before I lost the aid, I thought that I would not be insured. Anyway on the Tuesday I felt restrained, I would not contact the NFU, thinking perhaps I will do it on the Wednesday
Wednesday morning I went out to work in the garden, and had in mind to apply some fertiliser which I had in a bucket in one of my sheds. Going into the shed and seeing the bucket it was full of white granules of fertiliser, but laying on the top was my hearing aid, I could hardly believe my eyes, but there it was, how, it seemed impossible . It’s a miracle only You  Father God could do this , THANK YOU. THANK YOU. PRAISE YOU!!
So, as the parable of the lost coin she called all her friends, so I am sharing with you this wonderful news
Oh the Father's love for me, How vast beyond all measure. That he should give His only Son to make a wretch His treasure
How it got there only God knows. Isn’t God good!!     
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